Order Tracking

Please enter the tracking number to track your order as below: 

Please do take note:

* If you see other languages on the tracking screen, you can click the translation button as shown :

Tracking numbers don’t instantly update with available Delivery Status. If your tracking number entered shows that it is currently unavailable, the tracking system might not have been updated yet. Please do not be alarmed - Your order has been shipped out and is in transit. Tracking should be updated within the next few business days.

If the above tracking system is unable to show any updates, it could be because the server is not updated yet. You can use other tracking system such as:
(please click below)

- ParcelApps

- Global Order Tracking


Upon arriving at your destination custom, it usually take around 1-2 weeks to reach you. 

We apologise if you see any irrelevant ads on the tracking screen as we use a third-party order tracking service to ensure the best tracking result and therefore we have no way of controlling the ads shown. Thank you for your understanding.


In any case if you need to contact us with regards to the order, please do feel free to write to us at  customerservice@clare-rae.com